Reverse Engineering Services
Hi-Tech Export has expertise in providing a range of 3D reverse engineering services for designing and development of engineering components. Our strenuous process allows us to understand customer’s requirement and objective before the actual geometry catching starts.
We use advanced tools to produce CAD designs that are actual representation of the unique element to deal with solutions like light scanning, rapid prototyping, 3D CAD modeling, manufacturing drawings and CAD conversion.
Some of Advanced Tools We use are Following:
- Renishaw Cyclone scanner (Up to 50 microns accuracy)
- FARO Laser ScanArm V2 with 7 axis
- Software such as Rapidform, Geomagic, NURBS, IGES/ STEP, CATIA, Solidworks & Inventor
The process of reverse 3D engineering requires expert and experienced engineers to help in the problem solving processes.
We Succeed At What We Do Because:
- Use the Most Accurate 3D Laser Scanning Technology
- We Have Complex 3D CAD Modeling Sources and Capabilities
- We Do Extensive Computer Aided-Verification with FEA analysis
- We Succeed in Tooling and Manufacturing Support
- We Give Precise Surface Measurement Services
We endeavor for the highest standard of quality and use the best problem solving thoughts for the most difficult of the circumstances. We are providing wide variety of mechanical engineering services by devoted ourselves in various areas of mechanical analysis (CAE / FEA / CFD), Automobile, Aerospace, Heavy Engineering, Semiconductor and Technical Machinery Parts.

Benefits With Us:
- Framing of new parts that are attuned to the legacy parts and the software in use
- Up gradation in terms of the manufacturing processes
- Remodeling of existing parts without causing any interference of the functional aspect of the projects or systems
The firm uses the service of well trained and qualified professionals. We offer custom rates and work samples on request, to interested customers. We are also available at all hours to clarify client questions. Approach us for reverse engineering needs and they shall stand answered with us in an accurate manner.
Contact us to get high quality, time bound and cost effective Reverse Engineering Services.